Thursday, May 12, 2022

Troop 341 Plants a New Oyster Reef for Eagle Project


Scouts and Scout Masters headed for Urbanna Creek on April 29th to help fellow scout Carter Beam work on his Eagle project.  Carter has been working with Friends of the Rappahannock over the past several months to put together an oyster restoration reef in the upper regions of Urbanna Creek using an innovative new strategy that places shell in rows on the bottom, instead of just scattered.  This approach has been found in research to improve the survival of oysters and reduce burial of shell by sediments.  With help from fellow scouts, Scoutmasters Rich and Roy, FOR staff Brent Huntsinger and Jennifer Sagan, and boat help from Rufus Ruark and Alan Michael Duke, the team got the reef put together in good order.  Scouts shoveled a trailer load of oyster shells into bushel baskets, then loaded them into the boat for the ride across the creek.  At the restoration site, shells were laid down in rows perpendicular to the shoreline, which may also help reduce erosion.  After several full boatloads of shell were deposited, the reef was complete and Carter is now one giant leap closer to earning the rank of Eagle Scout! Way to go!

Carter Beam, Alan Michael Duke, and Rufus Ruark ready to take a load of shell.  

Troop 341 helpers after a job well done!

Troop 341 is Busy!

  We celebrated Erik and Carter's Eagle Rank at the end of the year.  Congratulations!  Erik, Elliott and Carter have been helping out p...